Analyser: New and Modified
5 March 2002
Automatic rescan of a track when the format is changed and a proper score value given to it. This is only a partial analysation and only the selected format is tested.
New type added: “selected”. This is applied to any format selected before a full analysation. After a full analysation sub-optimal formats are marked “changed”.
Enhanced search for when no reference point is given (not synced), alongside the brute force one. The system recognizes situations where brute force will not succeed and skips the associated area. This only works with forward search at the moment.
The enhanced search reduces the analysation time of disks with the gap tracks that do not start at the index position. From about 20 mins right down to 1 min. Actually it was not just finding the bottleneck in the algorithm, the bottleneck is the “brute force” matching itself. There are circumstances that we know we can point out areas to skip from brute force decoding. Basically, it is not a hack. If it were, it would not end up in the analyser!